Krishna University
Rudraram, Machilipatnam-521004
Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Contact Numbers of the Officers / Departments / Sections
Vice-Chancellor | 08672-259201 |
Rector | 08672-259202 |
Registrar | 08672-259203 |
Registrar’s Peshi | 08672-259204 |
Accounts Section | 08672-259205 |
Establishment Section | 08672-259206 |
Principal, KRU College of Engineering & Technology |
08672-259207 |
Office of Principal, KRU College of Engineering & Technology |
08672-259208 |
Director, Research & Development | 08672-259209 |
Director, Academic Audit Cell | 08672-259210 |
Dean, College Development Council | 08672-259211 |
Examination Section (Certificates related grievance) |
08672-259212 |
Examination Section (Notifications, Results (UG, PG & Professional)) |
08672-259213 |
Principal, University College of Arts & Science |
08672-259214 |
Office of Principal, University College of Arts & Science |
08672-259215 |
Head, Dept. of Chemistry | 08672-259216 |
Head, Dept. of Biosciences & Biotechnology |
08672-259217 |
Head, Dept. of Mathematics | 08672-259218 |
Head, Dept. of Computer Science | 08672-259219 |
Head, Dept. of English | 08672-259220 |
Head, Dept. Of Commerce & Management | 08672-259221 |
Coordinator, Dept. of Physics | 08672-259223 |
Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell |
08672-259225 |
Principal, KRU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research |
08672-259226 |
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