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DRAFT ACADEMIC REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR THE CANDIDATES OF RESEARCH PROGRAMMES (Ph.D.)-2024 - Click Here | Feedback Solicited on Draft Research Regulations and Guidelines of KRU-24 - Click Here | Circular - Allotment of Admitted Ph.D. Research scholars to Research supervisors in Krishna university for AY 2024-25 - Click Here | List of Admitted Candidates for Ph.D. Program & List of Vacancies in the Departments - Click Here | Circular for 18th Research Review Meeting (RRM) - Click Here | 17th RRM in the Departments of Chemistry, Commerce, and Business Management - Click Here | Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Notification – 2024 - Submitting CAS applications is extended up to 31st August, 2024 by 4.00 PM Click Here | 6th & 7th Convocation Notification - Click Here | KRU Teaching Faculty Recruitment- 2023 - Click Here | Krishna University Alumni Registration - Click Here

From Vice Chancellor’s Desk

A warm and affectionate welcome to all who aspire to be part of  this  vibrant educational  ecosphere here at KRISHNA UNIVERSITY, Machilipatnam. This is the twelfth year of  accomplished  academic journey of KrU and  carved a  special niche as top most performing among young universities in the state of Andhra Pradesh by providing holistic tertiary education.

As a Vice-Chancellor of this budding/nascent  university, I am blessed with the responsibility of  spearheading   university’s vision, mission and  strategic goals  to envisage an intellectual ecosystem where human capabilities can develop holistically.

Leading the change, leading the people and changing the landscape of the  university towards brand orientation is  always a challenge, quite exciting and extremely enriching and demands strong and dedicated commitment from all stakeholders.

A  unique and harmonious blend of certain core values and enduring principles of KrU like transparency, competency, integrity, dynamic pedagogy, digitalization, accountability, networking , critical reflection etc, are integrated in the Academic Programmes and activities of the University. Thus, collectively contributing towards fostering a culture of academic excellence and generate a pool of human resources with specific value additions.

We  are striving to usher educational metamorphosis at KrU through  the provision of transformative and ICT enabled education to create an ambiance in which the new ideas, research and scholarship flourish. This will lead to the emergence of  leaders and innovators of tomorrow and generate knowledge for  dynamically evolving societies.

In our perspectives, world class research and innovation stems from seamless access to best featured academic and research environment, extensive professional network, collaborations and broad funding base. KrU is  strongly committed to foster excellence by forging  strategic collaborations with the institutes of eminence and industry across the nation and beyond.

We focus on constant review and upgradation of  curriculum to reflect the latest trends while strengthening the fundamental knowledge and research. A perpetual attribute here at KrU is programming interactive sessions with the eminent people from diverse domains so as to create an elite mass of student cohorts having  unique skills and global outlook. Digital initiatives continues to be one of  the priority area for  empowering the academic and administrative innovation.

In addition to the broad range of activities, that any prospective university practices in pursuit of its mission, KrU lays special emphasis on enhancing broadening educational areas, improvement of internal support system and quality assurance, enhance the student experience, focused outreach programmes, enhancing engagement with society, broadening funding base, alumni engagement for network creation and  placement assistance apart from inviting them as adjunct faculty.

KrU believes that organization of social and cross cultural events has to be regular practice to ensure zero tolerance towards all  kinds of social discrimination as well to establish fair institutional climate through the human system of guardianship .

We are committed to draw student communities from diverse back grounds  to weave a rich  fabric with cross cultural integrity true to the spirit of unity in diversity. We  are ever ready to embrace the emerging and potential  green technologies to ensure cleaner and greener campus by reducing carbon print in all activities.

As a principal academic ad administrative authority of the university , I  humbly  look forward and owe to put all efforts in planning, development, implementation, assessment and improvement of academic processes and respective policy matters and supportive infrastructure ultimately to claim formidable reputation for KrU across the nation and beyond.


Best wishes

                                               Prof. G. Gnana Mani

                                                 Honourable Vice-Chancellor

                                                     Krishna University, Machilipatnam.